
5 Things We Nearly Always Need

14th May 2024

1. Tea

A household staple, but we run out regularly.  40 and 80 packs preferably please.

2. Coffee

Another staple.  Instant coffee preferably please.  This makes life simpler for all of us.

3. Long Life Milk

Every bag gets at least one litre of milk, depending on the size of the family.

4. Diluting Juice (Cordial)

Every bag gets a bottle, so we do run very low on stock.

5. Tinned Meat Products

By tinned meat products we mean, e.g. tinned curry, chilli con carne, chicken in white sauce, Steak & Kidney Pie/pudding.

Other suggestions:




Tinned Fruit

Tinned Veg


Rice Pudding

What we have most of: (and therefore rarely need)

  • Beans
  • Cereal
  • Porridge (except in Winter)


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